On Monday 5/11/2014 is Mother's Day in United States, in Indonesia we might call it Hari Ibu. It said that the Mother's Day is 3rd biggest celebrate day after Valentine and Easter. On friday my son brings his craft from school, i think that day on lots of elementary students will give their mothers the craft for Mother's Day. It's very nice gesture to come home and see your son crafts and what he thinks about you.
He gives me the World's Best Mom, for that i take it :). He also makes poem and tell me that i love to sleep! Every mother will be thankfull if they have a whole day for sleep without worrying about every thing.
Since as usual my hubby have to work on weekends, we end up walking to Giant Eagle to have our lunch. Is actually a very nice day to walk! I know that is spring but on other part in US, we still have snow.

and i also take a selfie! A Mother's Day selfie, i bet lots of mom will putting their pictures with their moms or their kids too. At the end of the day, when i search my pictures with my mom, i realize that i don't have!! Since i lived in different country than her! This is i make from my mom and me picture.