Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The coldest day in Pittsburgh

Today is the coldest day in Pittsburgh, it is almost 20y ago that Pittsburgh get this cold. It so freezing out there, i can even feel it while sitting on my living room and trying to record this day on my blog. 

Lucky for me, that my son didn't have to go to school today because of the frigid weather. 
I came from tropical island, usually during winter i really hate the cold here, even though lots of my friends in Indonesia would love to come and see the snow. For me, great if you don't live here, just for travelling, but to live here that another thing.
I know i bless to get around the world every year, but this come with different challenge too. Like you have to bare the cold in the winter.

But since we have to enjoy it...here what we do on this coldest day. Let me show you what is in the news right now

This is the temperature and here comes the wind chills

i take a picture to show you that the last time Pittsburgh is below 0F is Jan, 19th 1994

and here is the picture that my son doing in this morning

study..yep...please don't mind the background..since i just clean the living room ;)

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