Saturday, May 4, 2013

Moore School Scholastic Book fair

It's been a while i didn't post on my blog. Got lots of things happening lately, recently i was helping PTA mom at my son school. It was a fun event, and i don't mind getting involve with this kind of event. This event is helping PTA mom to get some cash to help with our school program. For my friends who read my blog, PTA mom is stand for Parent and Teacher Association.

This event makes me think about what we use to do fund raising in my school in Indonesia years back. We as junior school we sell ticket to buy set of meal at KFC. Usually we as the student will go out and sell ticket to family or friends. But never it have organization as PTA as in US. I hope now they do have it, since i never ask my friends from Indonesia if there's such as change as having PTA too in Indonesia.

Here's some of the picture that i took before the event begin:

and you can look how efficient the set up and it's very easy to set up because the Sholastic already provide everything such as the displays, the merchandise. The set up is easy and fun too. Here's the pictures of the display and table and the merchandise

and the last thing i want to share the art display and my son pictures too!!

I really hope that some day there's this kind of book fair in my city, so as a parents they can contribute and the students also get the benefit of reading a book. Not to mention for the company got lots of customer. Maybe someday Gramedia is one of the leading bookstore in Indonesia will have that kind book fair for all the students in Indonesia

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