Thursday, April 10, 2014

Pemilu/Election 2014

On April 9-10 2014, Indonesians is having the legistative elections. The parliamentary election is before the presidential election in July. Since i'm Indonesian living abroad, i got a letter to indicate that i have to choose to elect by mail or go to the Embassy in NY to cast my election. Since NY is about 6-7 hours from Pittsburgh, i prefer to send my vote.
I never vote through mail, and as i remember i just exercise my right for maybe twice. The first time is to elect Megawati Soekarno as a president and this time. As for why i don't want to exercise my right for other past election is maybe because i really disappointed on other elections either for the chosen candidate or the parliment. 
There's a lot corruptions and miss management in Indonesian Goverment. So with this condition lots of people choose not to vote, doesn't care about the election, or even when they come to vote they couldn't decide which political parties they want to choose. But this time around i see lots of changing in the Indonesian politics. I see lots of emerging young people tried to exercise their rights. Lots of social media such as Facebook, BBM, Path and Twitter that being use to gather the young people. As I amaze for this, maybe this also because lots of movement in the world now start or being reports by young people straight from the social media. 
For this time around, i wish that many people specially the younger generations go to vote and exercise their right, because every vote is count to be a better Indonesia. Here is some the of the plamphlet and the sitution in Indonesia during the Election Day

Quote : John F. Kennedy " ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country" Vote!!

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