Monday, November 10, 2014

Review on Chapstick Lip balm Double Ended (Smiley360 mission)

Few weeks ago I received sample Chapstick Double Ended from Smiley 360. As a member of this community, we will received sample for free. And the fun part is we got to try it, and tell others about the product and if the product is working for us. The sample usually comes with few coupon that we can give to our friends and family to try.

Honestly i am a lip balm junkie, i have tons of it, put it everywhere, because my family have a very dry and chaps lips specially during the winter time. My chaps lips is so dry is bleed sometimes, and i have it. My son constantly have dry lips, so we pile on the lip balm. One of the brand that usually you can find easily on drugstore even on at local gas station is Chapstick.

The Chapstick Hydration Lock Double Ended that i  review is Day and Night. Let talk about this newbie lip balm that i just find out. It have yellow and blue caps. Yellow is for day time it also have SPF 12 and the blue is for night time. When i tried both i find that Yellow/Day lip balm is more drier than Blue/Night time. I love the concept this lipbalm, since if you constantly travelling like my family, carrying only one lip balm instead 2 is very convenient. Over all this product is a good product and have great concept for people who have carrying lots of lipbalm.

Beauty TIPS : Scrub your lips with homemade scrub, use sugar with honey or brown sugar with olive oil. It will make your lips supple and look bigger after it.

Here is the pictures that i took after i apply Chapstick and one of my favorite lipbalm from Rock and Republic

If you have any question about the Chapstick and Smiley 360, please leave the comment on my blog posts, i'll be happy to answer it.

Lastly, do you a lipstick or lipgloss girl? For me, i prefer lipgloss, since it will makes you look young and fresh

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